Ordnance Survey Data Solutions

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GIS4BUSINESS is an Ordnance Survey Partner and offer a range of Ordnance Survey data solutions, including data supply, loading, configuration, maintenance, hosting and support.

We can supply high-quality OS products, including detailed OS Mastermap and AddressBase data and a range of OS open data, in the correct format for your system and covering your specific area of interest. We can advise on how best to load, access and visualise Ordnance Survey data in most commercial and open source GIS solutions and databases. We can also provide and manage regular updates so that your OS data is always up-to-date.

Feel free to browse a selection of our related Ordnance Survey data solutions and services below. There are many licensing options for Ordnance Survey data, depending on the intended use and quantity of data required, so please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.

You can also view our full range of GIS and map data products here.

OS Data Products


OS Open Map Local

OS Open Map Local is the most detailed street-level open data product currently available from Ordnance Survey. The data includes roads, buildings, railways, hydrology, woodland and cartographic text, making it a great option for map backgrounds and spatial analysis.


OS Open Roads

OS Open Roads is a mid-scale topologically connected road network dataset covering the UK. The data includes road centrelines classified by the national and local highway authorities, nodes representing connections and motorway junctions.


OS Open Names

The OS Open Names dataset contains point locations for settlements, roads and postcodes in the UK, along with names and basic contextual information. It can be used in spatial analysis or for building basic gazetteer search and geocoding functionality.

Related Services


Data Maintenance

Our GIS experts can maintain your GIS data on your behalf, including Ordnance Survey and other third-party data. We can apply regular updates to ensure that your applications have up-to-date maps and reference information, reducing the risk of incorrect decisions that are based on out-of-date information.

If you are interested in any of our products, contact us today and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.