GIS Platform Installation & Configuration
Sep 2013 – Feb 2014
AECOM were interested in building a GIS platform that would become a future corporate GIS portal. GIS4BUSINESS were asked to assist by reviewing the configuration, recommending changes and improvements to ensure best practice and undertaking installation and configuration.
As part of the work, GIS4BUSINESS undertook the following:
- A review of the current configuration of the SQL Server SDE geodatabase, including security, schemas and available datasets.
- A review of the current ArcGIS Server configuration, including data stores, map and feature services and security.
- Installation and configuration of a new SQL Server SDE geodatabase using best practice to improve performance, security and access to data.
- Loading of various OS and other datasets into the new geodatabase.
- Re-configuration of ArcGIS Server and Web Adaptor to improve security and enable access via Active Directory groups.
- Implementing improvements to various ArcGIS Server map and feature services, including building a cached background map service.
- Creation of a prototype javascript web application and related services that consumed various ArcGIS Server services
The updated configuration and documentation provided by GIS4BUSINESS enabled AECOM to use the platform as the basis for an internal GIS portal and improve the centralisation and sharing of geographic information across the business.
“In addition to having excellent GIS knowledge and skills, GIS4BUSINESS produce pragmatic, technically sound solutions to complex problems.”